There's the beautiful princess tub that I looked for on Craigslist for over a year. That Harris almost didn't get because we got into an argument the morning he was to go get, that Madeline rescued from adult drama by quietly saying, 'but my princess tub...' with her head hung low making the adults feel pretty low.
It's been sitting, waiting upstairs, for two-ish years.
There was a gross shower here. Now it is gone forever and the tub will go there using existing plumbing.
Us checking out paint colors. We all mutually decided we liked a peachy pink color for the walls.
Harris getting rid of paneling after I got rid of the shower stall. Well, I unscrewed and unbolted everything so he could chuck it in the dumpster across the street.
The last of the paneling is now gone from the house. I think. I'm sure I'll find another little bit here or there.
The tile arrives next week. We need to buy a new sink/vanity and put the toilet back in the bathroom when the tile is down.
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