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Showing posts from March, 2017

Marianne Hillary arrived!

Our happy ttle surprise girl arrived mid February. I've spent the past month with her cuddled in my arms, nursing, sleeping, and enjoying her random hour of wakefulness here ave there. This is the last little infant I'll spend so much time with and I'm revelling in the experience.  Also, I'm ecstatic to not be pregnant anymore.  Marianne, the icon of Liberty, the dreaming middle sister of Austen, a song and poem. Hillary, the woman who should have been President. Spring, because we're alternating last names In reverse time lapse order, after the last picture, the story of her birth. Like her sisters, she was born at the women's birth and wellness center in chapel hill. She was born at 41 weeks, 6 days. We resorted to castor oil after every other thing that worked previously did not work and I was approaching the point of transfer to a hospital setting that I very much wanted to avoid. Marty came down for the weekend to sta...