Digging up the little area next to the driveway to plant monkey grass - Harris thought I was the only one in the world who called it Monkey Grass, not that it was the proper noun of the plant in the south. The lawn and garden guy at Lowes helped him reach acceptance. Anyway, in digging that little trench, I found a buried pipe that runs from plant three back to before the missing gate in the front yard fence. But it is a good thing Harris is here. He had the foresight to ask 'does it run under the house' to my 'would you please just pry it up?' You see that middle grassy strip? One day it's going to be rock, or moss, or maybe grass because you know, there is three inches of rock under that grass. I'm going to have some fun with a hose. And Little Pebble Creek, looking more complete but still not complete. I planted hosta on the left side. On the right side in the new bed I planted the little potted hydrangea that I have Harris for vale...