Cause if you say Aunt properly it sounds like Ain't. Ruby was my grandmother. She was one of several middle siblings (9 total) who every Christmas converged on my Aunt Susan's home. At least 100 people would show up and eat, talk, cackle, and swap presents. It was only as an adult I came to realize how odd the whole thing was. Women my age have grandkids which means my mother's cousins have great great grandkids. My Aunt Susan's house is nice, but 100 people meant half in the yard, men out in the shop, and tripping over kids. As a child I most remember that there were only two bathrooms and I wasn't really supposed to use Aunt Susan's and Uncle Jim's. No clue if that was an official rule or something I came up with in my own mind; I came up with and self imposed a lot of arbitrary rules on myself as a kid. Anyway, one of Barbara Ann (Virginia's daughter and hence my mother's double cousin)'s girl folk loved Christmas because she got to eat A...